About Me

I’m PhD student in CVML Lab. in KAIST. I’m doing research in LiDAR Semantic Segmentation & Object Detection in Adverse Weather.

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  • Computer Vision
  • LiDAR Segmentation & Detection
  • PhD Student


  • BSc Mechanical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

    Korea University

đź“š My Research
I’m a Ph.D. student in KAIST AI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology). I’m interested in Autonomous Driving task, especially in LiDAR Segmentation and Detection in adverse weather.
Recent News
Recent Publications
(2024). Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather. ECCV 2024, Oral.


  1. PhD Student

  2. BSc Mechanical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

    Korea University
    GPA: 3.96/4.5